Sunday, December 14, 2008

The First Injury

I couldn't go running today. I was a little bummed for a number of reasons. First I haven't done much running since my race and I'm terribly behind in my weekly milage from what I should be doing for a half marathon. Second, my buddy was so inspired by me doing my first tri that he now wants to do one with me. So we had planned on running today to start training. Instead I'm limping around because I sprained my ankle. And the worst part is I don't even have a cool reason for being injured. All I did was trip while getting my bike out of my friend's truck. I need to come up with a better excuse. Like I was ambushed by rabid pirates and barely escaped because I tripped and sprained my ankle, but was able to hobble to safety. I think it's a plausible story.

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